Priorton Beef and Lamb
Farmed since 1921
Poll Dorset Sheep
At Priorton we run a flock of 300 Dorset ewes with the exception of Louise's one Dorset Horn ewe. We also have 35 Suffolk ewes including Louise's pet ewe "Gertie" who has been with us for 7 years.
We lamb our Dorsets in November and the begining of December as this is our quietest time of the year with the cattle so our sheep can have our full attention. Dorsets are known for their quiet temperament and natural mothering ability.
Once they have spent a few days in the sheds so that we can ensure they are fit and healthy they are turned out to grass. When they have grown slightly bigger and are eating more of the grass their selves they are put into winter roots.
Poll Dorset lamb is also recognised for its rich flavour and tenderness, they have a small amount of fat within the butchered joints which helps to keep the meat tender and moist during cooking.